Sunday, 19 December 2021

Digital Assets, Today's Technology of Freedom


Register for May 2022, Global Investor Conference:

PANELIST: Chris Lee (Senior Partner, Farron Augustine & Alexander Investments and Private Equity), Chloe White (Managing Director, Genesis Block), Chris Berg (Co-Founder and Co-Director, RMIT University), Nicholas Mitsakos (Chairman and CEO, Arcadia Capital Group)

Technology such as digital assets presents an unprecedented opportunity to recapture individual freedoms in this digital age - to expand individual rights, protect property, and defend our privacy and personal data. How are governments planning on working with crypto? What industries are making the most of this technology? We sit down with Chloe White, Australia’s leading expert in digital asset policy, and Chris Berg, leading authority in regulation, technological change, and civil liberties, cofounder of RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub and author of 11 books.

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Remembrance of Things Past – Liquidity, Stability, and Predictability

This article was written by Nicholas Mitsakos: Chairman and CEO at Arcadia Capital Group.

Financial markets are imbalanced and lack liquidity in crucial sectors, even historically stable and predictable markets such as the global bond and currency markets. Investments are slanted in one direction more frequently and the markets are vulnerable to big price swings as a result. These large global markets are not immune to ever more lopsided trades creating extreme volatility. This occurs even when a small change occurs in positions, sentiment, or news.

Even the world’s most liquid markets, US dollar currency trades and US Treasuries, are seeing skewed positioning resulting in surprisingly large shifts in prices and Treasury bond yields.

What’s Happening?

Using the most liquid trades available from the currency markets, we can see how a market that trades $5 trillion worth of currency daily can become suddenly illiquid, dramatically impacting prices and making any long-term prediction challenging.

These large markets hide a fundamental shift toward illiquidity. Using the most popular currency trade illustrates the role liquidity plays in price volatility and sudden market swings.

If We All Run for the Door at Once

Suppose you want to position a trade based on recent news where you conclude that the US economy will grow faster than the European economy. Therefore, you conclude that interest rates will rise in the US relative to Europe. If that’s the case, the US dollar will rise relative to the euro. This prediction is based on news regarding a new outbreak in Covid infections. Additionally, you predict increasing partial lockdowns in Europe are likely, and the Euro-wide economy will be impacted negatively. In the meantime, America seems to be faring better. Its economy is picking up, inflation seems less transitory, and lockdowns are off the table (for now). Therefore, a reasonable trade would be to bet on the Federal Reserve raising interest rates and the European Central Bank keeping rates the same (or even lowering). One way to profit from this prediction is to short the euro against the dollar.

But, wait a minute. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission publishes positions of traders in currency futures and options. Upon checking the CFTC data, this position is already crowded. Therefore, there are fewer potential sellers to drive down the value of the euro against the dollar, and this lack of balance in the trade – illiquidity – poses several significant risks. One, if sentiment improves for the euro, there will likely be a short squeeze, driving losses as traders buy euros to cover their short positions.

Another, if sentiment changes in general, even without a short squeeze, as news continues to be uncertain and speculative, prices will move dramatically and erratically because the market now has an imbalance of sellers and buyers. Prices are a function of supply and demand, and if supply is increasing dramatically while demand remains low, price shifts are magnified. This news creates a vicious cycle where those magnified price movements trigger additional supply and demand driving even greater price movements. It is now a global phenomenon for all securities.

Immune No Longer

While this example shows the impact of a currency trade, we are seeing the same impact from illiquidity in Treasuries – another supposedly large, liquid, and global market allegedly immune from illiquidity. But it is not. A smooth liquid bond market has become unpredictable, volatile, and less liquid. Essentially, the hidden driver to this volatility is also illiquidity. As surprising as it now seems, it is increasingly challenging to move in and out of bond positions quickly, and prices become more extreme.

When the Fed is Gone

Excessive liquidity created the opposite effect in March 2020 and February 2021, according to a report from the Treasury Department and Federal Reserve. It showed that the Fed providing excessive liquidity enabled bond prices to stabilize after dramatic jumps in bond yields resulting from extreme negative news regarding the pandemic. Now that liquidity from the Fed is being withdrawn as it tapers its bond buying despite increasingly bad news and quick-changing investor sentiment.

The market is experiencing more frequent and extreme price movements and it does not look like the Fed is coming to the rescue anytime soon. Uncertainty and less liquidity are increasingly extreme in what would otherwise be considered a liquid and more stable market with transparent price discovery.

I’m the Government and I’m Here to Help

Today’s circumstances can be connected back to regulations enacted after the global financial crisis of 2008. These made it much more expensive for banks to hold large inventories of bonds to facilitate trading. This lack of inventory available to supplement proprietary and client trades has greatly reduced market liquidity, especially in treasury bonds. Now, a small group of electronic high-frequency traders has filled the void created by these new regulations.

The high-frequency traders keep the market liquid most of the time – except when it matters most. They are thinly capitalized and therefore cannot hold bonds in inventory. In volatile markets, these firms are forced to take less risk because of their thin capitalization. The bulwark against short-term illiquidity and volatility is gone.

Stability and Predictability?

So, when liquidity is most needed in the bond market, it vanishes. This is not a good formula for stability, long-term predictability, and price discovery, and is driving even more extreme volatility because there is no prospect of additional liquidity being provided to the market anytime soon.

These changes in market structure make positions more extreme. In addition, bond buyers are a relatively homogeneous group. Funds are bigger. Information flows quickly and is available to all. Momentum trading is far more prevalent in bond markets and algorithmic trading magnifies the imbalance, buying recent winners and selling recent losers, driving these price differences further.

The Madness of Crowds

Before the financial crisis of 2008, market-makers were willing and able to defend against momentum and take a long-term view based more on fundamentals than immediate market sentiment. Large banks could hold inventories of bonds and be patient as volatile forces pressured the market, acting as an effective counterbalance.

Not anymore. Positions are crowded, and when sentiment goes against a popular trade, price movements are sudden and dramatic. Any semblance of rationality to the market is an increasingly distant memory.

The market now leans too far one way or the other, and that imbalance will be forced to reverse more powerfully and unpredictably.

The Road Ahead

Even in the world’s most liquid market, trades are increasingly imbalanced, and liquidity is drying up. Large positions that cannot be held for days (or even seconds) combined with illiquidity will cause more extreme and frequent volatility in the global bond market, and that will impact all other markets, from currencies to equities more dramatically.

Don’t expect stable or smooth markets anytime soon.

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Nicholas Mitsakos Managing Member of Anika Capital


Nicholas Mitsakos is emerging as a leading player digital asset and crypto space by combining core asset management experience along with new digitized finance decentralization. He is actively making investments in this new area. His expertise derives from a combination of investing experience and technical knowledge. He has a Masters degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in computer science and advanced technologies. 

Thursday, 15 July 2021


 “Distributed ledger technology and digital assets have the potential to dramatically disrupt global equity and debt markets.” (World Economic Forum, May 2021)

Distributed ledger technology (DLT), otherwise known as Blockchain technology, will radically simplify financial markets and, more importantly, fundamentally change the market’s infrastructure. Specifically, distributed ledger technology decentralizes critical data and enables an entirely new financial system where capital flows without the need for traditional intermediaries.

While there are challenges and numerous detractors, DLT is an irreversible disruptive force transforming capital markets and the global financial system.

Regulators (a potential obstacle) are increasingly comfortable with this technology. Distributed ledgers, decentralized finance, and Blockchain-based platforms are creating products and services evolving from exploration and experimentation to commercialization. DLT will be transformative to the world’s largest industry and represents an unprecedented opportunity.

Reshaping Global Capital Markets

  1. Market forces are inexorably pushing capital markets to digitize, and distributed ledger technology will be the standard.
    1. Growing institutional and regulatory comfort with Blockchain technology
    1. Potential central bank digital currencies in China, the US, and the Eurozone
    1. Cost efficiency and client pressure
  • DLT solves capital markets’ inefficiencies from legacy processes, complex technology systems, opacity, and fragmentation across markets. Distributed ledgers have a meaningful impact on costs, market liquidity, and financing capacity, significantly improving operational efficiency and balance sheet management.
  • Smart contracts improve existing capital market processes in numerous asset classes or re-create value chains, causing disintermediation and digital transformation.
  • Competition remains fragmented and has not scaled significantly yet as this market emerges. Development will take many forms, but the opportunity to create substantial value as a new market participant is indisputable.
  • Greater digitization is inevitable. But incumbents are hesitant from uncertainty, operational restructuring, legacy systems, and regulatory uncertainty. Decentralized finance and digital assets, therefore, create a unique opportunity for new market entrants.

New digital platforms created by decentralized finance companies integrate securities and other digital assets comprehensively. The platforms enable market participants and intermediaries to issue, trade, settle, and provide custody services for digital assets, usually consisting of digitally native equity tokens (ICO’s).

These digital asset and financing platforms exist in parallel to existing market infrastructure and securities markets, in many cases offering an alternative digitized version of a standard asset class. Fundamentally, what is disruptive is that this new technology disintermediates all parties, creating effectiveness and efficiency in the transfer and recording of transactions that is unprecedented in legacy infrastructure.

Major Changes

Digital platforms created with distributive ledger technology accomplish several things quite effectively:

  • Introduce a single, verified source for all aspects of the security, including ownership and trading activities
  • Enable digital securities (ICO’s)
  • Settle trades on a shorter and more flexible timeline
  • Investors and issuers interact directly with market infrastructure or each other


Why bother disrupting a global industry that seems to be working fairly well? Some of these benefits can make all the difference and create substantial value:

  • Greater transparency for all parties
  • Significantly simplified operations
  • Automating all securities clearing, settling, and compliance
  • Better balance sheet management (e.g. reduced funding requirements for risk capital or liquidity)
  • Issuers can list directly and have greater transparency of ownership without relying on intermediaries, lowering the cost of capital significantly


These developments are still in their infancy, and many uncertainties are yet to be resolved.

  • A supplemental market infrastructure could introduce additional operational complexity
  • Mechanisms are needed to verify smart contracts when issued
  • Revise regulation regarding responsibilities in securities’ transactions


“Equity tokens issued on a blockchain platform are potentially the most disruptive threat to existing equity markets.” (World Economic Forum)

  1. Equity markets

Operations and infrastructure in public equity markets function effectively, but the prospect of digitizing the entire process, including smart contracts enabling transactions and settlements immediately with greater flexibility while eliminating settlement risk while accessing a global base changes the game for public equities.

In addition, privately held equities –  which do not benefit from the central infrastructures, standardized processes, and liquidity of the public markets – will be fundamentally changed because the efficiencies of public equity markets will be delivered to the private markets using Blockchain and tokenization.

It is disruptive because distributed ledgers will replace most of the traditional intermediaries and processes in equity markets. By listing securities directly on public blockchains – either on their own or with the help of banks – issuers eliminate many of the processes associated with an offering. Security tokens via DeFi (decentralized finance) through decentralized exchanges enable global and decentralized reach. This is possible with both public and private shares, potentially eliminating fragmented markets and manual processes by creating standardization and automation. Tokenized shares will blur the lines between traditional publicly listed equities and private company shares creating a larger global market for all equities at a significantly lower cost.

  • Debt Markets

The bond market will be significantly transformed by Blockchain-based fixed-income securities. Specifically, it can significantly reduce inefficiencies in issuance and trading; illiquidity in secondary markets; and limited primary market access – mostly due to high minimum transaction sizes.

Bond markets are fragmented and mostly over-the-counter. They are more likely to benefit from distributed ledger transactions, and decentralized digital transformation will probably be easier.

The opportunity is enormous. Globally, the notional value of bonds outstanding totaled $106 trillion at the end of 2019, with an average of approximately $20 trillion issued annually.

  • Asset Management

Perhaps the single most disruptive long-term development from distributed ledger technology may be in asset management. Asset management is central to the capital markets ecosystem, representing a large share of investment dollars globally. In addition to being very actively involved in the broader markets that may be transformed by DLT and other technologies, asset managers face inefficiencies and other challenges for which distributed ledgers and smart contracts offer solutions, including:  

  1. Streamlining client investment by allowing it directly via a liquid digital token
  • Enhanced liquidity for all investors – redemption no longer requires fund management approval and prices are established by an independent market providing immediate liquidity for each investor without needing the approval of the asset managers
  • Improving data sharing among all investors and advisors enabling immediate access to all information
  • Transformation of back-office operations

Fund assets tokenized or issued digitally will transform asset management. Tokenized fund shares will be tied directly to underlying asset pools via smart contracts, and traditional fund structures will be replaced by fully customizable portfolios.

Given the central role of asset managers in allocating capital globally, asset management firms and the ecosystems that service them will be affected by digitization. Faster or more flexible trade settlement, shared sources on securities or derivatives transactions, and operational simplification will all have implications for fund managers, custodians, and fund administrators. Shared, real-time data on all underlying portfolio holdings greatly simplify valuation, accounting, and liquidity, especially from new digital-native asset classes or fund ownership.

Once in a Generation

Creating actual efficiency for “efficient markets”

Fundamentally transforming markets requires new ways of thinking. Existing inefficiencies and limitations create an unprecedented opportunity for new thinking in the global financial markets by applying distributed ledger and smart contract technology.

New competitive entities can create an opportunity to fundamentally reimagine how capital markets operate, and this may be a once-in-a-generation opportunity.

  • Distributed ledger technology can eliminate unnecessary complexity and redundancy in capital markets. Important applications regarding debt and equity enable efficient business operations and client interaction and access. Global financial markets can become substantially more efficient enabling global access to investment opportunities and financial products.
  • New business models using DLT-based solutions can exploit existing inefficiencies and deliver new products or existing products more efficiently to a broader range of investors and financiers, and connect the sources of capital to users of capital much more effectively. It is one of the greatest potential opportunities world’s largest industry.
For More Information Visit Us :- Nicholas Mitsakos

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Predictability and Panic by Nicholas Mitsakos

Predictability and Panic

Prepare for more frequent and extreme volatility. New and powerful influences, ranging from social media and financial technology to algorithmic trading and esoteric valuation models, will increasingly upset market stability and bring unprecedented rewards and unpredictable disaster.

Predictable market conditions will be upset by sudden unpredictable movements.

Financial markets can be predicted reliably only when the world does not change.

Even during periods of stability, judgment based on expectations and assumptions as much as hard facts and economic analysis, form the basis for buying and selling decisions. Market crashes and financial crises are a continuing and breathtaking reminder that markets are irrational and uncertain. Taken to an extreme, the combustible combination disrupts global markets and societies.

Without considering uncertainty and irrational human behavior, free markets and free trade will transmit financial instability all over the world. Investors must be prepared for this. If important social functions such as infrastructure investment, scientific research, or social welfare services are organized around financial markets, those institutions become as fragile, uncertain, and as irrational as financial markets.

Instead of proceeding with caution after a crisis, finance is more typically empowered further, sowing the seeds of the next crisis. Unknown and potentially disastrous financial instruments, typically not understood, pose even greater risks. Allowing growth in financial derivatives to protect leverage and debt instruments seemed to make the most sense after a crisis, whether LTCM in the 1990’s, the 2008 financial crisis, or even Archegos most recently. It’s just that no one understood the full consequences of what they were doing, and like any new financial product that promised to be a sanguine solution, it led to runaway growth, and then disaster. We still see runaway leverage and the unrestricted use of derivatives endangering financial institutions and posing a systemic risk to an interconnected global financial system.

Prudence, Speculation, and Excess

The credit default swap is a particularly illustrative example. On the surface, credit default swaps seem to offer protection from credit risk, but, looking more deeply, they are an endless avenue for speculative excess. Credit default swaps emerged in the early 1990s as an insurance product for investors who bought risky corporate debt. Investors could take out a credit default swap to ensure the debt they owned against default. If whoever issued the debt went bankrupt, the credit default swap would pay out.

But there was no requirement that anybody who took out a credit default swap had to actually own the asset it was insuring. Therefore, credit default swaps transformed into a vehicle for speculation. Hedge funds and other speculators essentially gamble that other companies will go bankrupt. In the 1990s, when the idea of regulating and restricting the runaway use of derivatives, especially credit default swaps, was proposed, it was immediately shut down.

“Regulation of derivatives transactions that are privately negotiated by professionals is unnecessary” Alan Greenspan told Congress. “It would serve no useful purpose and impede the efficiency of markets to enlarge standards of living.”

Of course, that would be true if these professionals knew what they were doing. But they do not, and the consequences of this naïve comment became obvious very quickly.

Pretending Markets Are Efficient

They are not.

Parties who engage in derivatives contracts are eminently capable and don’t pose any systemic or greater risk beyond their own financial transaction, right?

Wrong. Derivatives and highly leveraged investments typically end in disaster. Most recently, we have the example of the hedge fund Archegos blowing up from being overleveraged (which is putting that mildly). Investments are still made knowing this because it is believed that net gains will outweigh net losses, which has always proven to be false, and, bewilderingly, needs to be proven over and over again.

Another dangerous falsehood, best expressed by Citigroup’s CEO before the financial crisis, that “as long as the music is playing, we will dance.” What he forgot to realize is that when the music stops, there is no seat left for anyone. Keynes even wondered, “what’s the price of a security no one wants to own?” The decline in value is anything but orderly, predictive, or gradual.

From a historical perspective, a brick or two is usually taken down in the name of contributing to “market efficiency” from the wall protecting markets from irrational contagions, interconnected movements, and unpredictable investment outcomes. These range from the repeal of Glass-Steagall (a law that intended to prevent government guaranteed deposits being used as a cheap source for risky investment activity), to the loosening of bank mergers allowing for national banking networks within one single organization – all using the same risk management models. This consolidation didn’t so much achieve economic efficiency as it consolidated nationwide economic risk into a handful of large financial institutions – what could go wrong? See 2008.

Progress in Financial Markets Tends to Mean More Risk and Speculation

Progress, defined as diminishing regulation, allowed speculative mania using derivatives, credit default swaps, and extreme leverage. Economists enraptured by the promise of rational market progress argued that larger firms with more diverse lines of business would be more stable, better able to hedge against risks, and compensate for losses in isolated lines of business. They did not worry about the management difficulties posed by overseeing firms with hundreds of billions of dollars in assets across dozens of different business lines or the prospect of an unforeseen shock in one sector taking down an entire conglomerate.

This is what happens when policymakers who have no market experience wave their hand and allow complexity and scale to mask enormous risk.

We Got It Wrong, but We Can Make Markets Efficient.

An example of “financial efficiency,” Citigroup, was formed after the repeal of Glass-Steagall. This allowed it to merge with Travelers Insurance and acquire nationwide mortgage lenders. So did Bank of America, and other financial institutions that would be undone by the financial crash of 2008. These institutions, led by Citigroup, would receive astronomical amounts of federal assistance (with Citigroup receiving more federal assistance than any other US financial institution). But in 1999 and 2000 when important regulations were lifted, nobody seemed to care about what consequences these actions would eventually create. This is why Jamie Dimon famously said when asked to define a financial crisis, “it’s something that happens every 8 to 10 years or so.”

Efficiency and consolidation instead focused risk within fewer players and therefore made the entire financial system weaker. Banks argued vociferously regarding the benefits of these transactions, but it ended disastrously because the entire financial system was no more efficient, but the concentration of firms put the industry in a substantially riskier position. The banks that lobbied for and benefited from reduced regulations needed to be bailed out by the federal government a few short years later.

Once again, the financial markets were led into disaster by an expert consensus that had attempted to substitute the clamor of the real world for a set of harmonious abstractions.

It will happen again.

Regulations had been eliminated in 2000 after the best eight years of economic life the country had experienced in more than three decades. Of course, that is never the time to allow recklessness, including the idea that “self-regulation” could be effective. It’s like tossing the lifeboats overboard because it’s smooth sailing so far…or not putting a roof on a house because it was built on a sunny day. But the iceberg is over the horizon and it will eventually rain.

New analytical tools and technologies appear to make worrying about unforeseen risks obsolete. But this naïve belief in technology’s ability to understand and predict catastrophic risk is a fundamental cause of that very catastrophe.

Stability is illusory because in an uncertain world, unforeseen changes can have seismic effects. The pandemic is only the latest example, but there are always greater risks inherent in markets than is acknowledged, and most investment strategies do not accurately reflect the risk that certain investments are assuming for a given return. Safety can be an illusion if the risks are not well understood, both systemic and undiversified.

As we have seen, oversight, regulation, or any sort of self-imposed moderation will continue to be ineffective or nonexistent, and always trail behind the most dangerous and detrimental market developments. Financial weapons of mass destruction continue to multiply and are now available via smartphone in everyone’s pocket.

Expect more and greater turbulence.

Monday, 7 June 2021

Being Digital By Nicholas Mitsakos

Nicholas Mitsakos developed expertise in artificial intelligence. Working with several leading companies on developing practical applications as well as universities developing reasonable regulations and requirements. He is establishing private investment accounts with high net worth individuals and family offices to focus on new developments in digital assets and cryptocurrency. 

Friday, 28 May 2021


Bitcoin is an innovative, rapidly expanding network for storing and exchanging value among investors. As discussed previously in our article, “Inflation, Profits, and Bitcoin,” Bitcoin has some interesting characteristics:

  • A Bitcoin is a slot on a decentralized, permissionless, unhackable, peer-to-peer permanent computer network.
  • Only 21 million Bitcoins will be produced and 18.5 million have already been mined and circulated.
  • Demand continues to grow far in excess of supply.

If it’s an asset, does it have an inherent value, like gold?  Arguments about “inherent value” are, and always will be, meaningless. Is there really some kind of “inherent value” in gold? We just decided it was valuable to us. The same is happening with Bitcoin.

It’s a cryptoasset that has the safe haven characteristics of gold and will potentially compete with it for a place in portfolios. Bitcoin is not a currency and will not be adopted as a new medium of exchange. It is not a stable store of value, nor can it be easily transmitted and exchanged for any good or service at a consistently predictable value. But, that’s not important from an investor’s perspective.

It’s Gold….Sort of

While Bitcoin may not have a promising future as a digital currency, it shares key characteristics with assets that are stores of value, such as gold. First, its control is decentralized. Bitcoin is neither issued nor controlled by any entity, institution, or government, much like gold today. In times of heightened economic or political uncertainty, this decentralized control is part of gold’s appeal, and a role that Bitcoin could eventually play. Secondly, like gold, Bitcoin has a finite supply.

So far, Bitcoin’s price is extremely volatile, varying more than 70% so far this year (gold has varied almost 15% over the same time). While gold is nearly as volatile as equities, Bitcoin’s volatility is in a league of its own. Additionally, gold zigs when other financial assets zag, typically rising in price during stock market corrections. Bitcoin’s price behavior has been less consistent, at times showing no correlation to other financial assets, while at other times trading in lockstep with growth stocks. But just because Bitcoin may not behave like gold today doesn’t mean it won’t in the future. What would it take for these gold-like qualities to become more pronounced?

And This Means…?

Bitcoin has hit a key milestone to broad-based adoption. It is becoming an integral part of institutional investors’ portfolios. This creates a foundation of demand and potential floor to its price. Bitcoin remains incredibly volatile, and its correlation with other major assets has been inconsistent, but allocations are seen as suitable among an increasing number of investment professionals, and, increasingly, it is seen as an alternative investment equivalent to a derivative or other call options, given the potential for spectacular returns. The downside is well-defined while the upside can be asymmetric and significant.

Bitcoin is an emerging asset class, appropriate for institutional investors, a hedge against inflation, market volatility and developing into a reasonable option as a safe haven asset.

Friday, 21 May 2021


Fundamental drivers for pricing valuations in public markets have changed. Now, there is a new interaction among factors unseen just recently. Advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence have had a profound impact on the tools available and analysis presented to even the most amateurish investor. Social media, such as Reddit, Twitter, and other platforms, have allowed access to information and influence from media “stars” driving demand in an almost herd-like mentality driving up prices, and causing extreme volatility. Finally, technology has enabled a trading floor to be in everyone’s pocket. That same trading floor allows access to any information on anything from anywhere, and communication with anyone or, via social media, receive communication and information (regardless of how dubious) from anyone about any security or investment strategy.

These factors will cause unprecedented market volatility, along with extreme price movements for well-known (or perhaps more accurately, well-publicized) companies and their securities. While the supply of securities remains somewhat constant, demand for those securities is increasing (sometimes exponentially) because many more investors are now chasing those same securities.

The price of anything cannot escape supply and demand dynamics. Recent IPO activity is an attempt to meet growing demand (and raise capital at attractive prices). The new supply from IPO’s, secondary stock issuances, and most recently and monumentally, SPAC offerings, still do not provide enough supply to quench a growing and overwhelming demand. The valuations, especially those given to the SPAC’s, are entering stratospheric levels that could hardly be justified under normal market conditions. Successful investors are the ones who understand adding return without corresponding risk is the most critical component of successful investing, especially given the new equation for valuation:

Economics + Advanced Technologies + Social Media = Price

These three components are now inexorably linked and constitute an influential role in determining valuation from now on.

The More Things Change…

The pandemic has challenged many preconceived notions about the economy, markets, and public policy – and has impacted the way we live. But the inescapable truth remains unchanged:

There is no magic answer. No solution other than superior skill enables an investor to earn a high return safely and dependably. That is even more true in today’s low-interest rate, low return Tower of Babel world.

 — Nicholas Mitsakos 

Friday, 14 May 2021

Nicholas Mitsakos - Investment Principles and Strategies


Nicholas Mitsakos have completed the first draft of my book, "Investment Principles and Strategies." Chapters of the book are posted on the website and on Arcadia's website. The chapters are condensed versions of topics ranging from principles in thinking about investments, to innovation and its role in society, to political and public policy, as well as international trade. Economic disruption, growth, global markets, and increasing influence of central banks have created a new investment environment, in my book attempts to address the critical issues this new investment environment creates.

Monday, 5 April 2021

Nicholas Mitsakos Chairman of Several Public Company Boards


Nicholas Mitsakos analyzed, invested in, and worked with many management teams and companies, ranging from the early stage to growth and maturity. Industries include software, networking, communication, biotechnology and life sciences, specialized materials, advanced manufacturing, and industrial companies.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Nicholas Mitsakos Chief Executive Officer of Arcadia Holdings, Inc.


Nicholas Mitsakos

Nicholas Mitsakos currently serves as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Arcadia Holdings, Inc. and as a director of Meru Networks.

He is also the Co-Founder of Meru Networks, Inc., and served as its Chief Financial Officer. He serves as an active Advisor to several well-known technology and pharmaceutical companies and has served as theDirector and founding Chief Executive Officer at multiple companies.

Nicholas Mitsakos started his career at Goldman Sachs in 1985, and worked at Drexel Burnham Lambert from 1986 to 1989. Mr. Mitsakos began his business career as the Founder of General Computer Corporation, which he sold to the Atari Unit of Warner Communications.

He serves as the Chairman of Nanya International, Inc. and served as the Chairman of Hawaii Biotech, Inc. Mitsakos received an MBA from Harvard University and a B.S. from the University of Southern California in computer science and microbiology.